Development Services is responsible for issuing permits for property located within City of Tulsa limits. Typically a building permit is required if you decide to build, remodel, move or repair walls, floors, ceilings, windows, or doors or change the occupancy of a building or structure on your property. We conveniently issue general repair building permits over the counter in our Permit Center.
Please note, your project may require multiple permits such as building, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing based upon the scope of your project. For example, if you are building a deck with a ceiling fan and sink, you will need the following permits: building, electrical, and plumbing.
Tulsa’s online permitting system offers an easy, convenient way to submit most permit applications for development projects. Add contacts to your permit, pay fees, download permits, schedule inspections, check your permit’s next inspection sequence and more. View inspection results and more without ever leaving your home or office.
Plan reviews are performed after you complete all of the following:
All documentation submitted with your permit application becomes a public record and subjected to the Oklahoma Open Records Act (FOIA).
Online Permitting
Self-Service Portal | Tutorials | FAQ
The plans review section determines if proposed projects comply with applicable building and zoning codes and local ordinances. Reviewers include architects, code officials, and others experienced in the construction industry. All reviewers are required to have the appropriate certification(s) and continuing education required for their position. Reviewers generally specialize in either Residential or Commercial permit applications.
Most permit applications are subjected to the following item reviews prior to permit issuance and must be approved for each application review.
Additional item reviews may be required.
Zoning Clearance Only, Sign, Earth Change, and Watershed permit applications are examined by reviewers who specialize in those areas. Fire Alarm and Fire Suppression permit applications are subjected to review(s) by City of Tulsa Assistant Fire Marshals. Please use the links below to navigate through the information.
Construction and/or Remodeling (Building) Permits
Fire Sprinklers and Alarms
If your project requires fire sprinklers and/or fire alarms, you will need to submit a separate application for each of those permit types.
For more information see the Fire System Permits section on the Self-Service Portal.
Residential Permits
Summary of Zoning Clearance Only Permits
In some cases, property improvements not requiring a building permit still require a zoning clearance only permit; to apply for the following zoning permits, please visit our Self-Service Portal. Additional construction permits may be required for alterations including project completion and/or occupancy.
Tulsa Building and Fire Codes establish minimum, mandatory standards for building construction in Tulsa. Our codes are based on international standards for safe, habitable structures.
Tulsa has adopted the 2018 ICC (International Code Council) codes listed below. You are responsible for ensuring that your project complies with ICC codes along with Tulsa’s amendments to ICC codes.
Tulsa has adopted the 2020 edition of the National Electrical Code (NEC), applicable to commercial building permits only.
The policies listed below provide detail and clarify how the City interprets certain situations that may not be clearly addressed within current building codes.
Referenced 2018 Code Section | Description |
Fire Service Access Elevator IBC 3007.6 | Lobby Enclosure and Doorways |
Drinking Fountains IBC 2902.1 | Water Coolers and Dispensers |
Separate Facilities IBC 2902.2 | Single Unisex Toilet Facility |
Deferred Submittals IBC | Deferred Submittals |
Visit our Self-Service Portal to apply for permits, view Self-Service Portal Tutorials, FAQs, and more. Once signed into the Self-Service Portal, go to “Apply” and follow the prompts.
Note: Enhanced functionality is available by registering for a self-service portal account before using online permitting.
On December 19, 2018, the Tulsa City Council passed an Ordinance initiated by Mayor Bynum to provide for submittal of building permit applications that have been certified by a licensed design professional (architect, landscape architect or engineer) to be building code compliant.
The self-certification program is intended to help developers utilize their resources efficiently by letting them manage their development project through the pre-requisite approval steps. Once the required steps are completed, the building permit application is submitted to the City. The self-certification statement of code-compliance allows City staff to issue the building permit within the same day, given a reasonable time to process the application and payment of required fees.
A manual to guide the applicant through the self-certification process is provided. Applicants are advised that all the forms must be properly completed, and the information requested must be provided. The manual will be updated as needed. Current copies of the Ordinance, Manual and Application Packet are available.
Once all the required item reviews are approved, the City will stamp your building plans as approved. After the permit fees are paid, your permit will be issued, and you will be able to link your active trade permits to your parent building permit. Please note that active trade permits must be linked to the parent building permit. If you discover that a trade permit is not linked, please contact our Trade Permits call center at (918) 596-9656.
There are a few project types that do not require a permit:
Your approved plans will need to be at the job site and available to the City's inspectors. Approval or permit issuance does not guarantee a passing inspection. Please note that based on the scope of your project, additional permits may be required for other work including, but not limited to, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing, etc.
Once your building permit has been issued, various trade permits may be required. They can be obtained using the Self-Service Portal or by calling our Trade Permits Center at (918) 596-9656. Trade contractors that are licensed by the City and State and registered with Development Services may pull trade permits.
Our plans examiners will also identify whether your project will require other fire-related permits. These include Fire Sprinkler and Fire Alarm permits. In the event your project requires these permits, you will need to submit a separate application for each of those permit types. All other fire system permits are reviewed and issued by the Fire Marshal's Office. The Fire Marshal's Office is also responsible for performing the Fire Inspection on all permits.
For your safety, the International Code Council requires that every permit application expire after 180 days if not being actively pursued. In addition, every permit application and issued permit will expire after 180 days if no proof of construction or work or progress has been shown.
In order to help facilitate or ease your project, our department may grant one or more 180-day extensions when you can prove a valid, justifiable reason for the permit application or issued permit suspension or abandonment.
If you are the permit holder and you no longer need your permit, Development Services will cancel your permit and you may be entitled to request a refund.
If you no longer need your permit but the City performed a plan review or an inspection, you may request your permit be canceled without a refund.