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2025 Benefits

Blue Cross Blue Shield is our 2025 medical benefits provider.


Frequently Asked Questions

Did our medical plans change?
Yes, we are switching our medical provider from CommunityCare Oklahoma to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oklahoma. With BCBS, we will be offering two plans: the BCBS 2500 with CareATC Access and BCBS 3300 with HSA. The switch to BCBS will give you access to a broader network of healthcare providers.

Please Note that the deductible for the HSA plan will increase from $3,200 to $3,300 per IRS regulations.

What is CareATC Collaborative Care?
Collaborative Care is a health management program consisting of mental health counselors, registered dietitians, and physical therapists with CareATC. Through onsite and virtual visits, you can receive customized care that helps you transform your health at no additional cost.

Are Personal Health Assessments/Biometric Screenings Mandatory? Do spouse’s need to complete a PHA to receive the reduced rate?
No, the PHA/Biometric Screenings are voluntary however, for those who choose not to complete a PHA/Biometric Screening a $600 surcharge will be applied to your 2025 medical premiums.

If you had a PHA through CareATC between January 1, 2024 – November 30, 2024, you do not need to take another screening. You will receive the preferred premium rate.

Spouses do not need to take a PHA for you to receive the lower rates on your insurance premiums. If your spouse is on your insurance and you have the CareATC option, they can receive a yearly PHA for their health records, but they do not count toward your rates.

Do I need to re-enroll in the Health Savings Account (HSA), Healthcare Flexible (FSA), Limited Use FSA, or Dependent Care Flex plan?
Yes, per IRS regulations it is required you re-enroll into these plans annually. You must re-elect them with a new annual dollar amount. If you do not contribute towards the Health Savings Account and would like to receive the employer contribution for the HSA, then you will need to re-enroll in the City’s contribution for the new year.

Will any of my FSA monies rollover?
Yes, up to $640.00 will rollover to the 2025 plan year.

Can I enroll for a Limited Flexible Spending Account (LFSA) if I’m enrolled for an HSA Medical Plan?
Yes, you can contribute to a LFSA in conjunction with an HSA Medical Plan. The LFSA can only be used for dental and vision expenses.

Can I make changes to my Supplemental Life and Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D), Spouse Supplemental Life and AD&D, Child Supplemental Life and AD&D?
Yes, during open enrollment you can decrease, increase, or drop coverage(s) independent of one another. The employee must be enrolled for coverage to have coverage on a spouse or dependent. (If you are covered as an employee, you cannot also be covered as a spouse or dependent child of another City of Tulsa employee.)

If you have supplemental life, you can increase your election amount up to $10,000 without completing Evidence of Insurability (EOI) as long as the amount remains under $200,000. If you increase the dollar amount by more than $10,000 or elect an amount over $200,000 you will be required to complete an EOI and approval will be required from underwriting.

Any increase or new election for spousal life insurance will require an Evidence of Insurability (EOI) to be completed.

*Review and update your life insurance beneficiary screen as needed. *

*You must be actively at work for the coverage to take effect, unless your first day is a scheduled day off.

Did the Dental plans change?
There will be a small increase to the dental premiums. The Dental High Plan orthodontic maximum has increased to $2,500. There are no changes to the dental plans design and will continue to be through Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Did the Vision plans change?
Vision premiums decreased. Vision will continue to be through Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oklahoma and utilize the EYEMED network. There will be no change to the plan design.

Did the Hospital Indemnity, Critical Illness, & Accident coverages change?
Yes, we are switching providers from Voya to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oklahoma (BCBSOK). Premiums are decreasing.

Did the Identity Theft & the Legal Plan change?
There are no changes to these plans and the premiums will remain the same.

If you have any questions regarding your benefits or enrollment, you may contact [email protected].

What is a tobacco/nicotine surcharge and how much does it cost?
A tobacco/nicotine surcharge is an extra charge on medical premiums for employees that are tobacco/nicotine users. The City of Tulsa will charge an additional $600 annually ($23.08 per pay period) if you are a tobacco/nicotine user. Plan members will need to attest their tobacco/nicotine status during Open Enrollment October 14th through the 25th. Plan members who are tobacco/nicotine users can avoid a surcharge by enrolling in a Tobacco/Nicotine Cessation program.

What does the City of Tulsa consider a tobacco/nicotine user? / How is “tobacco/nicotine use” defined for purpose of the tobacco/nicotine surcharge?
The City of Tulsa considers you a tobacco/nicotine user if you have used tobacco/nicotine products in the past three months. Tobacco/nicotine products are defined as any tobacco/nicotine product, including cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes, vapor products, chewing tobacco, snuff, and pipe tobacco.

If you have completed a tobacco/nicotine cessation program you must submit proof of completion to 
[email protected]  and you can consider yourself a non-tobacco/nicotine user.

Why does the City of Tulsa charge more for tobacco/nicotine users? 
The City of Tulsa cares about your health and the health of your family. We hope that the tobacco/nicotine surcharge brings additional attention to the harmful effects of tobacco/nicotine use on the health of our employees and their families. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC, smoking harms nearly every organ of the body, causing many diseases and affecting the general health of smokers.  

Tobacco/nicotine users have increased lifetime medical expenses and are absent from work more days than those who are not tobacco/nicotine users. The City of Tulsa is asking tobacco/nicotine users to pay more for the cost of medical coverage to offset greater healthcare costs associated with tobacco/nicotine use. We recognize that support can help you quit, which is why the City provides information on programs and resources to help you quit tobacco/nicotine at no cost to you.

Who does the tobacco/nicotine surcharge apply to?
The tobacco/nicotine surcharge applies to City of Tulsa non-sworn employees enrolled in the medical plan. 

How do I declare my tobacco/nicotine status?   
Upon being hired, during certain life events and during open enrollment, employees enrolling for the medical plan will be required to complete a tobacco/nicotine usage question attesting to their tobacco/nicotine use status.  

Any misrepresentation or inaction by the employee referencing their tobacco/nicotine status is a serious violation of City policy and could lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

Will I need to pay the tobacco/nicotine surcharge if I smoke and only want to enroll in dental and/or vision?
No, the surcharge applies only to those who enroll in the medical plan.

What if I say I don’t use tobacco/nicotine products, but I do?
As with other aspects of your employment relationship with the City of Tulsa, providing false information could be subject to disciplinary actions, up to and including termination of employment or benefits.

What if I am not a tobacco/nicotine user, do I still need to attest my tobacco/nicotine status during enrollment?
Yes, if you enroll in a City of Tulsa medical plan, you must attest to your tobacco/nicotine status each time you enroll-whether as a new hire, due to a qualifying life event, or during annual enrollment. If you don’t provide this information, the City of Tulsa will assume you are a tobacco/nicotine user, and the surcharge will apply.

Does the City of Tulsa provide services to help me quit?
The City provides information on free cessation programs for all members.

  • Under the medical plan, cessation products such as gums, patches, and prescription medication to stop tobacco/nicotine use are available at no cost to you with a prescription from your physician. You can call Blue Cross Blue Shield directly with specific questions at 800-942-5837.
  • Saint Francis offers a tobacco/nicotine cessation program for a nominal cost that will be reimbursed upon completion of the program. You can call 918-494-8263 to find out more about the program.
  • Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline will provide you with free tools and support so you can customize your quit experience. From free text and email support, phone, and web coaching, and at least a FREE two-week supply of nicotine patches, gum, or lozenges. You can call the helpline at 1-800-784-8669 to enroll online or text READY to 34191, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Any Oklahoman who is 18 or older and has not already accessed Helpline services twice in the last calendar year may apply.

If there is another tobacco/nicotine cessation program you would like to participate in, please contact the insurance team for approval of the program at [email protected].

Non-sworn employees who are enrolled in the City of Tulsa Benefit Plans will incur an annual spouse surcharge of $1,800 ($69.23 per pay period) if their spouse has access to healthcare benefits through their employer but chooses to enroll through the City of Tulsa plan.  

What is a spouse premium surcharge?
The spouse premium surcharge is a monthly charge in addition to your regular medical coverage contribution/premium for a spouse who is working and who is eligible for medical coverage through their employer and is covered on the City of Tulsa medical plan.

Why am I being charged the spousal surcharge on my benefits?
During enrollment, employees who enroll a spouse on their medical benefits are required to indicate whether their spouse has access to other health care coverage through their employer. If this question was left unanswered, the spousal surcharge is automatically applied by default.

How much will it cost?
The spouse premium surcharge will be $69.23 per pay period

Is the surcharge deducted before or after income taxes?
The surcharge is a “pre-tax” deduction like your medical premiums.

Why is the City of Tulsa implementing a spouse premium surcharge?
The spouse premium surcharge encourages those participants eligible for other group insurance to take advantage of that coverage. It allows the City of Tulsa to keep our medical plans more affordable. A spousal premium surcharge is a method adopted by many large employers.

Who pays the spouse premium surcharge?
It applies to all active employees whose spouse is a dependent on a City of Tulsa medical plan unless one of the following conditions applies:

  • Your spouse is not employed and does not have access to other medical coverage.
  • Your spouse is self-employed without access to other medical coverage. 
  • Your spouse is employed, but his or her employer does not offer medical coverage or is not eligible for medical coverage by his or her employer.  

(Note: The Marketplace, Medicare, Medicaid, and Tricare are not considered other employer group health plans.)  

How will the City of Tulsa know if my spouse has other medical coverage available?
During open enrollment the employee will attest to spouse having access to other coverage or not having access to other coverage. If your spouse has access to medical coverage through their employer, they are subject to a monthly spouse surcharge if you enroll them for City of Tulsa medical coverage. If your spouse does not work, works part time with no access to medical benefits, is not eligible for coverage, has lost coverage as an active employee but has been offered COBRA or is covered by Medicare, the surcharge does not apply.

Note: The company reserves the right to verify if your spouse is provided coverage elsewhere. This information must be consistent with the information you report. Misrepresenting whether your spouse has access to medical coverage may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

What if I submit documentation later in the plan year that my spouse did not have access to medical coverage through his/her employer?
The spouse premium surcharge will be removed as soon as administratively possible upon receiving the supporting documentation. We will not retroactively reimburse for amounts already paid.

Does the spouse premium surcharge apply to the dental or vision plans?
No, it only applies to the City of Tulsa non-sworn medical plans. 

Does the City of Tulsa have a right under data privacy to ask if the spouse is eligible for insurance coverage from another company?
Yes, an employer has a right to inquire about a spouse’s other insurance coverage. Data privacy involves health information specific to an individual’s medical condition or treatment.

If my spouse was offered medical coverage through his/her employer, but the open enrollment window is different from the City of Tulsa, and he/she opted out at the time of open enrollment or the initial offer and isn’t offered coverage access until the next annual enrollment, does the spouse premium surcharge apply?
Yes, the spouse premium surcharge applies if an individual is offered healthcare coverage at any capacity and opts out of that coverage for the City of Tulsa medical benefits plan.

(The spouse should check with their employer regarding whether their employer will allow him/her to enroll in their health coverage within 31 days of the spouse surcharge change.)  

If a spouse is newly employed during the plan year and becomes eligible for benefits elsewhere, would the spouse premium surcharge be applied at that time?
Yes, if your spouse becomes eligible for a medical plan at their employer, and you choose to keep your spouse covered under the City of Tulsa medical plan, you will need to update your spouse information online at to add the surcharge. 

Changes for 2025: 

  • New Medical Provider: We will be switching our medical provider from CommunityCare Oklahoma (CCOK) to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oklahoma (BCBSOK). There will be no changes in medical premiums. 
  • HSA Plan Deductible Update: The deductible for the medical plan with HSA will be increased from $3,200 to $3,300 per IRS regulations.  
  • HSA Contribution Limits Increasing: Health Savings Account (HSA) contribution limits will increase for 2025, in line with IRS guidelines
  • FSA Maximums Increasing: The maximum allowable contribution for Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) will also increase for 2025 in line with IRS guidelines.
  • Supplemental Health Provider Change: We are switching supplemental health providers from Voya to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oklahoma.
  • Out-of-State PPO Plan Elimination: The 3000 Out-of-state PPO Plan is being eliminated. All BCBS plans offered will now be PPO plans.
  • Lower Premiums for Select Plans: There will be a decrease in premiums for Vision, Short-Term Disability, Hospital Indemnity, Critical Illness and Accident plans.
  • Dental Plan Premiums: Dental High Plan orthodontic maximum has increased to $2,500. There will be a small increase to the dental premiums.


BCBS 2500 with CareATC

Provider: BCBSOK | Summary | FormularyWebsite

BCBS 2500 with CareATC PPO Plan Includes:

CareATC Clinic Access

CareATC Clinic Highlights:

  • Free Primary Care Services
  • Disease Management
  • Lab work
  • X-Rays (1 clinic)
  • CareATC Free Prescription Formulary
  • Medications Dispensed Onsite
  • Collaborative Care
  • Personal Health Assessment

BCBS 3300 with HSA

Provider: BCBSOK | Summary | Preventative Drug ListWebsite 

BCBS 3300 With HSA PPO Plan Includes:

  • PPO Plan offers the availability to see providers both in and out of network
  • $750 annual employer contribution for employee only (pro-rated)
  • $1,500 annual employer contribution for employee + dependents (pro-rated)
  • Employee can contribute an additional $3,550 Individual/$7,050 Family, plus $1,000 if age 55 or older
  • Portable
  • Personal Health Assessment


CareATC Clinic Highlights:

  • Free Primary Care Services
  • Disease Management
  • Lab work
  • X-Rays (1 clinic)
  • CareATC Free Prescription Formulary
  • Medications Dispensed Onsite
  • Collaborative Care
  • Personal Health Assessment

Personal Health Assessment

  1. Log in at:
  2. Call 1 (918) 948-6360
  3. Download the CareATC App

Please be aware that CareATC is NOT a walk-in clinic.

Patient Portal | (918) 948-6360 | CareATC Brochure

15th Street
(x-ray available)
1810 E 15th St, Ste C Tulsa, OK


4500 S 129th E Ave Tulsa, OK

First Place Tower
15 E 5th St, Ste 1600, Tulsa, OK


Sand Springs
302 W 2nd St., Ste 600, Sand Springs, OK

13616 E 103rd St N, Owasso, OK


Broken Arrow
4716 W Urbana St, Ste 200, Broken Arrow, OK

3300 Chandler Rd, Muskogee, OK





Provider: BCBSOK | Website

Network: BlueCare Dental (Traditional National PPO)

Dental High Plan Summary | Dental Medium Plan SummaryDental Low Plan Summary 

Short-Term and Long-Term Disability

Short-Term Disability

Provider: BCBSOK | Website | How to File a Claim 

STD High Summary | STD Medium SummarySTD Low Summary 

Long-Term Disability

Provider: BCBSOK | Website

LTD High Summary | LTD Medium SummaryLTD Low Summary 

Life Insurance

Health Savings Account (HSA)

Health Savings Accounts (HSA)

Provider: Health Equity/Wageworks | Summary | Website 

Flexible Spending Account (FSA) and Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (DCFSA)

Medical Flexible Spending Accounts, Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts

Provider: Health Equity/Wageworks | FSA Summary | DCFSA Summary | Website

Requirements to Submit a Receipt | EZReceipts App 

Supplemental Health Benefits

BCBSOK Accident Coverage | Summary | Claim Form

BCBSOK Critical Illness Coverage | Summary | Claim Form

BCBSOK Hospital Indemnity Coverage | High Plan Summary | Low Plan SummaryClaim Form

Wellness Claim Form

Additional Benefits

LegalShield Prepaid Legal Coverage | Summary | Website 

Identity Theft Protection | Features Guide | Video Overview

Travel Resource Services

The City of Tulsa will reimburse non-sworn active employees up to $180 (taxable) for six consecutive months of paid memberships in local gyms, or for their participation in six paid fitness competitions, runs, or marathons as long as the activity occurred during the City’s fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, ending June 30, 2025. The Gym Reimbursement must be submitted through MUNIS to be processed. To claim reimbursement, employees must submit their itemized receipts with the name and contact information of the Gym or statement within the fiscal year via MUNIS Self Service (ESS). Employees should always check with their physician before starting any exercise program.

  1. Gym
    A “gym” is a workout or exercise class facility with regular monthly, quarterly, or yearly payments, at which an employee primarily engages in exercise. Examples include yoga studios, karate studios, health centers focused on exercise, and traditional gyms. Sole proprietors and independent instructors are not considered gyms, unless they have public facilities accessible to anyone who pays dues. A facility with golfing, tanning, spas, etc. may not be considered a gym: Human Resources will make final determinations.
  2. Adult Fitness Competitions
    Instead of a gym membership reimbursement, an employee may be reimbursed for adult fitness competitions. An adult fitness competition is a race, walk, marathon, or other fitness competition that is open to the public at which you represent yourself or the City of Tulsa. Examples include marathons, bike races, triathlons, and walks. Motor vehicle races, golf tournaments, and cosmetic competitions, including body building, are not reimbursable. An employee who chooses to be reimbursed for competitions will need to submit a receipt of payment listing what event they participated in, and the date. The receipt must also be in their name. Employees who seek an adult fitness competition reimbursement, may not seek additional reimbursement for gym membership. Employees should be healthy enough and physically capable of exercise in the competition for which they submit reimbursement.

III. Reimbursement
Reimbursement means the City of Tulsa will pay employees for six months of gym expenses or the entrance fees for six fitness competitions, races or marathons, up to $180 per fiscal year. Races and marathons can be combined as long as they total 6 adult competitions together. Only the most recent months before the claim submission will be reimbursed. All receipts must include the name, address, and contact number of the gym or sponsor of the competition. Reimbursement will only be paid for services related to exercise: additional membership, or entrance tiers for items or services unrelated to exercise will not be reimbursed, and the next lowest tier focused solely on exercise will be reimbursed instead. Family gym memberships are reimbursable if the employee is healthy enough to exercise at the gym and is the primary on the account. Employees must be employed for six months within the fiscal year prior to making a submission to be considered eligible for reimbursement. The City of Tulsa will not reimburse employees for free services, unpaid services, payments in advance, future race expenses, or services paid for someone other than the employee. The City of Tulsa will only issue one reimbursement per employee or employee family per fiscal year, regardless of whether the $180 limit has been met. You must submit reimbursement receipts for six months of consecutive membership or six competitive events when you request reimbursement, even if those receipts total more than $180. The City of Tulsa will not reimburse employees for programs it provides or subsidizes. Local gyms that offer discounts to City of Tulsa employees are reimbursable at the reduced rate. Reimbursement will be by direct deposit. If a check is deposited, it will not be reissued.

  1. Fraud
    The City of Tulsa reserves the right to review employee requests for reimbursement before and after payment is issued. By submitting a claim for reimbursement, employees submit to all review procedures, which may become investigations involving verification of gym membership, employee participation at the facility or Fitness event in question, and/or financial statements from banks and credit card companies. By submitting a claim for reimbursement, employees acknowledge that this reimbursement is not compensation for work performed at the City of Tulsa. The amount paid to the employee may be refunded to the City of Tulsa through employee payroll deduction if it is determined that the request for reimbursement was false or fraudulent. Employees suspected or accused of fraud will be investigated by Human Resources. Investigations that find violation of work rules may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. See Personnel Policies and Procedures (PPP) §411.3 R-9 & R-37 or Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) Appendix B R-9 & R-37.
  2. Substantiation
    Uploaded receipts representing six months of expenses at a gym or six entrance fee expenses for Adult fitness competitions during the fiscal year July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, will be considered for reimbursement. *Do not attach personal bank or credit card statements.

Only one reimbursement claim per family or employee will be processed and issued per fiscal year. Two people who are married/living together in the same household cannot submit a claim for a shared membership unless they have their own individual account/membership. Employees on Workers Comp, Leave Without Pay, Administrative Leave, or whose status is Inactive in MUNIS are ineligible to receive a gym reimbursement. Online exercise classes or videos are not eligible for reimbursement.

All claims for reimbursement will be accepted for processing until 4:00 pm June 30, 2025. Any claim submitted for reimbursement beyond the June 30th cutoff date will be denied and returned to the employee.

Forms and Notices

2025 Enrollment Notices

Medicare Required Notice

Premium Assistance Notice for Medicaid (SoonerCare) or CHIP eligible | English | Spanish