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Sign Abatement Program Re-Launches

This article was archived on 4/13/2018

The City is recruiting citizens who want to do something about illegal signs that litter the city

The City of Tulsa is re-launching a program to empower citizens to remove illegal signs and advertisements from the rights-of-way along city streets. This does not apply to signs placed on private property, but is generally described as a temporary sign on a stake.

“We are working with citizens again to engage their assistance in removing signs that litter the city streets,” said Michael Rider, City of Tulsa Zoning and Sign Official. “Anyone willing and able and 18 years old or older may apply to become a Sign Abatement Program volunteer to help rid the City of unwanted, illegal signs and help keep the city clean.”

Following a background check, a volunteer may attend and complete training to become part of the program.

“This program is a great opportunity for every Tulsan to play their part in helping us deserve the title of America’s Most Beautiful City,” Mayor G.T. Bynum said. “I want to thank Councilor Phil Lakin and our team at the City of Tulsa for their work in relaunching this important beautification program for our city.”

Illegally placed signs pose a peace and safety risk to Tulsa Citizens and are aesthetically displeasing but despite best efforts, City staff cannot keep up with removing illegally placed signs as quickly as businesses and individuals place them.

“This new set of volunteers will instantly – and perpetually – help to beautify Tulsa. Together, we can pick up illegal signs within hours, rather than days, making this form of advertising far more expensive and far less impactful. Tulsans I've met are very supportive of businesses’ need to advertise, but they all seem to adamantly oppose this form of illegal advertising in the rights-of-way and along our corridors, where it detracts from our City's beauty and overall appearance,” said Councilor Lakin.

To apply and enroll in a course, citizens may email [email protected] to request a preferred date or receive more information. Classes are limited in size. The upcoming training courses are:

Saturday, March 31, 2018 – 10:30 a.m.  |  Kendall Whittier Library, Meeting Room, 21 S. Lewis Ave.

Thursday, April 5, 2018 – 9 a.m.  |  Reed Park Community Center, Conference Room, 4233 S. Yukon Ave.

Friday, April 6, 2018 – 1 p.m.  |  Martin Regional Library, Conference Room, 2601 S. Garnett Rd.

Saturday, April 7, 2018 – 9 a.m.  |  Hardesty Regional Library, Oak Meeting Room, 8316 E. 93rd St.

Thursday, April 12, 2018 – 6 p.m.  |  City Hall, 3rd Floor Theatre, 175 E. 2nd St.