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Stormwater Fee and Funding

Where does the stormwater program funding come from?
Engineering, in conjunction with the Stormwater Drainage and Hazard Mitigation Advisory Board and numerous citizen groups, has developed a phased implementation program for projects identified in the City's basin drainage plans. The projects are funded by stormwater fees, sales tax revenues or bond issues.

Funding for Operations and Maintenance:
Residential Customer FeesĀ - $12.22/month (1 ESU*)
Commercial, Multi-family, Industrial Fees - $10.63/month for each ESU*
* An Equivalency Service Unit - or ESU - is the projected annual cost of maintaining 2,650 square feet of property.

Where does the stormwater fee money go?
Stormwater fees are used primarily for maintenance of stormwater detention facilities, stream channels, pumping stations, culverts, ditches and other drainage facilities.

After storms and when needed at other times, crews remove material blocking water flow in channels and detention sites. On average, they clean more than 22 miles of ditches and clear about 5 miles of drainage pipe each year. They remove tons of silt from channels and reconstruct eroded earthen channels.