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Refuse and Recycling


Just a reminder:

» FRIDAY TRASH CUSTOMERS – If Friday is your regular trash day, please put your gray cart at the curb for service on Monday, January 13, 2025. Recycling will not be picked up until your next service day on January 17, 2025.

» MONDAY CUSTOMERS – If you are a Monday customer, crews will start Monday pick up as soon as Friday customers have been serviced. If they do not get to your house Monday, leave your gray cart at the curb and crews will pick it up on Tuesday. Recycling will not be picked up until your next service day on January 20, 2025.

» RECYCLING – Friday and Monday customers can put any additional recycling that does not fit in your blue cart in a cardboard box and set it alongside your blue cart on 1/17 (Friday customers) and 1/20 (Monday customers.)

Our trash service is based on a "pay-as-you-throw" model that allows you to control how much you pay each month. The less trash you throw out, the smaller the cart you need. And the smaller the cart you need, the less you pay.

When your gray cart is picked up it is taken to the Reworld Waste to Energy Facility where it is turned into steam and then sold for energy. 

Your blue cart is picked up and taken to the Tulsa Recycling and Transfer facility where it is separated by recyclable and then sold.

The menu to the right will give you basic information regarding this service, along with a collection schedule and recycling options.

If you can't find the information you need, please call us at 311 during regular business hours.