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Oxley Nature Center & Redbud Valley

Oxley Nature Center Address: 6700 Mohawk Blvd. Tulsa, OK 74115  (get directions)
Redbud Valley Nature Preserve Address:
16152 Redbud Drive, Catoosa, OK 74015 
Phone: (918) 596-9054
[email protected]
Facebook Page: @OxleyNatureCenter & @RedbudValleyNaturePreserve

Hiking Trails at Oxley Nature Center

Interpretive Building: Tues.–Sat. 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.; Sun., Noon – 4:30 p.m.; Closed every Monday (Holiday Schedule)
 Gate and Parking Lot: Open daily 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. except most City holidays.
 Hiking Trails: Accessible during Mohawk Park hours, 7 a.m. – 9 p.m.

Some trails may be closed due to maintenance or local hiking conditions. Please follow trail signs and do not venture beyond a "Trail Closed" sign.

Buildings hours are subject to change without notice. For staff safety facility may close falling conclusion of last activity. Please call ahead of arrival for more information.

Tulsa Parks General Policies

The City of Tulsa’s Park and Recreation Department remains committed to ensuring the safety of our staff and residents and continues to consult with the Tulsa Health Department and CDC guidelines. 

Additional updates and policies will be communicated by center staff as well as posted here and our social media accounts.


Naturalist staff members plan a variety of monthly programs for youth, adults, seniors and families to enjoy, including: day and evening nature walks, botany classes, group hikes, and more. To stay updated on this month's planned programs, we recommend visiting the Facebook pages for Oxley Nature Center and Redbud Valley Nature Preserve. You can register online for our Oxley Nature Programs.


Volunteers are always welcome and needed at both Oxley Nature Center and Redbud Valley Nature Preserve! As a naturalist volunteer, you can serve as a Nature Center host, help maintain trails, or help with our educational programs for young people at schools or on site. At the same time, you will experience the natural beauty at Oxley Nature Center and Redbud Valley, two wild gems of Tulsa Parks.

Please call (918) 596-9054 for more information on how to become a volunteer.

Volunteer Information | Volunteer Application

Rental Rates

Outdoor shelters are currently available for rental at Oxley Nature Center. Please contact Oxley for availability and to schedule. (918) 596-9054. 

Shelter - $75/day
Oxley Nature Center Meeting Room - $75/half day or $150/full day.

Trails at Oxley

Your visit should include hiking at least one of the trails that allow access to the forests, fields, and wetlands of the Nature Center. All Trails Map

Oxley Nature Center trails may be hiked seven days a week, year-round. The trails are closed to the public during Mohawk Park curfew hours: 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. You may park outside the gates from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. to walk the trails even when the gates are closed.

The trail system is comprised of many individual loops and stretches of trail linked together. The main part of the trail system centers around the Interpretive Building. A second set of trails, the North Woods Unit, may be found northwest of the Mohawk Park Golf Course and northeast of Lake Yahola.

There are nearly nine miles of trails. Most are flat and fairly smooth. Wheelchairs and strollers may be taken down many of the trails unless rain has made the dirt or grass surfaces too soft or muddy. The trails are not set up for horses, bicycles, or vehicles of any kind.

Wildlife at Oxley

The Nature Center is a wonderful place to encounter the wildlife of the Tulsa area. Oxley Nature Center's 804 acres support a diversity of habitats along the south bank of Bird Creek. The flood-plain forest, comprised of giant cottonwoods, sycamores, oaks, pecans, and hackberry trees and many other smaller trees and shrubs, is home to many kinds of animals and wildflowers. Combined with open areas maintained as hay meadows or prairies and a variety of wetlands, the different habitats make especially rich combinations of conditions.

Redbud Valley Nature Preserve

The Preserve is currently closed to all visitors.