Jail diversion is one way the City and organizations are working to keep people from incurring costly jail stays and court costs.
Below are some examples and resources for jail diversion in Tulsa. If you know of an organization or service that needs to be included, please email [email protected].
Block Builderz
Block Builderz, a local group, aims to lead alternative incarceration solutions. Their goal is to shift the perception and stigma of those incarcerated. See what they do on their Facebook page.
Special Services Docket
The Special Services docket is a partnership between the City of Tulsa Municipal Court, Mental Health Association Oklahoma and other service providers, allowing individuals affected by mental illness, substance abuse, and those facing homelessness who have committed low-level municipal offenses to be paired with a case manager instead of serving jail time. Learn more about the docket here.
Tulsa Sobering Center
In partnership with 12&12, a leader in addiction treatment and recovery, Tulsa Sobering Center is an alternative to jail. Individuals detained for public intoxication are taken to Tulsa Sobering Center for a minimum of 10 hours and connected to long-term health care and treatment services. At the end of the holding period, adults are released from Tulsa Sobering Center without criminal charges, court dates or an arrest record.
Results after its first year...
From May 2018 – May 2019, the Sobering Center had 767 individuals utilize the facility. Of those participants, 73 entered the medically supervised detoxification program at 12 & 12. Upon completion, 32 of the 73 adults went into treatment at 12 & 12. 286 Tulsa Police officers brought individuals detained for public intoxication to the Tulsa Sobering Center instead of jail, saving officers approximately 3,000 hours. The Sobering Center allowed officers to return to service for more pressing public safety matters within approximately 10 minutes instead of going through booking processes at jail.
Women in Recovery
Women in Recovery is a Family and Children's Services outpatient alternative for women facing prison sentences for non-violent drug-related offenses. In partnership with the George Kaiser Family Foundation, they work closely with the criminal justice system and community partners to give their participants supervision, substance abuse and mental health treatment, education, and assistance with workforce readiness. Read more about Women in Recovery.