2025 Holidays
Date | Holiday Observed | Regular Refuse/Recycling Service? |
Wednesday, January 1 | New Year’s Day | On holiday trash schedule all Weds - Fri. See schedule below. |
Monday, January 20 | Martin Luther King, Jr. Day | Regular trash and recycling service |
Friday, April 18 | Good Friday | Regular trash and recycling service |
Monday, May 26 | Memorial Day | Regular trash and recycling service |
Tuesday, June 2* | Race Massacre Observance Day | Regular trash and recycling service |
Thursday, June 19 | Juneteenth | Regular trash and recycling service |
Friday, July 4 | Independence Day | Regular trash and recycling service |
Monday, September 1 | Labor Day | Regular trash and recycling service |
Tuesday, November 11 | Veterans Day | Regular trash and recycling service |
Thursday, November 27 | Thanksgiving Day | On holiday trash schedule. Thursday customers will be picked up on Friday. |
Friday, November 28 | Day after Thanksgiving | On holiday trash schedule. Friday customers will be picked up on Saturday. |
Wednesday, December 24 | Christmas Eve observed | Regular trash and recycling service |
Thursday, December 25 | Christmas Day | On holiday trash schedule Thurs - Fri. See schedule below. |
* If the actual holiday falls on a weekend day observance moves to the nearest workday -- Friday for Saturday holidays and Monday for Sunday holidays |
Holiday Trash Schedule
If the holiday falls on a weekday during the weeks of New Year’s, Thanksgiving, or Christmas, the pick-up schedule will shift one day for the holiday and all the following days that week to accommodate the disruption in scheduling.
For example, if a holiday falls on a Monday:
NOTE: If a holiday falls on a Tuesday, Monday will have regular service but households with Tuesday - Friday service will be shifted one day to accommodate the holiday.