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Contact the City

City of Tulsa in-person services are closed due to dangerous weather conditions. You can call 311 during regular business hours, or use one of the online services available to residents.


In case of an EMERGENCY call 911
Report Online:

You can report service requests online through our Tulsa311 online reporting

Customer Care
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. | City Holiday Schedule

For Emergency help with:


Online services: Apply for a JobUtilities | Bulky Waste Scheduling | Municipal Traffic Tickets | Check for a Waterline Break | Look Up a Code ViolationFile a Tort ClaimPermit Center | 

I Want to...

City Holiday Schedule

311 Customer Care Center
City Hall, Suite 1405
175 E. 2nd Street
Tulsa, OK 74103

Visiting City Hall